Oh the places you will... deploy

  • March 27, 2025
When we first conceived the idea of KumoMTA, one of the primary goals was to empower people to deploy wherever they needed to for their application. While it is technically “on-premises” software, we wanted people to have the flexibility to deploy in their preferred environment and not be forced into an operating system or deployment environment that did not meet their requirements.  Two years later we have had the pleasure of seeing that take shape in exciting ways. Like the Dr. Seuss story, we have been thrilled to see the places you will go.

Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!

In July 2023, when I wrote the first performance blog post, I intentionally created the sending MTA in AWS with Ubuntu and the receiving sink was built in Azure on Rocky Linux.  We also did some side testing on a bare metal system running Fedora.  My intention at the time was to write a post on how flexible the system was for deployment options, but that post was never written.  I suppose that is a good thing because today we have so much more feedback from real users on where they took KumoMTA.

Oh, the places you'll go!
There is fun to be done!
There are points to be scored.
There are games to be won.

One of the things I have found interesting working with global customers is the OS and platform preference based on region. Our customers in Europe and APAC tend to prefer Debian on bare metal while our North American customers tend to prefer Rocky or Ubuntu in AWS. There are pockets of users who prefer Mariner on Azure and Fedora on bare metal. Then there is the growing number of users deploying our docker containers with Kubernetes orchestration for maximum scale in any platform, often with AMZN 2023 in AWS.

The point is that KumoMTA does not restrict you to any particular OS or platform which enables you to deploy based on your existing company standards.  If you are a financial company in Canada with a requirement to deploy on Rocky Linux on bare metal in a secure physical Datacenter, you can do that.  If you are a US Government contractor required to deploy on Azure with RedHat Linux, you can do that. If you are a German company required to deploy on Debian in local physical hardware, you can do that too.

To borrow again from Dr. Seuss …
             … in the rain and in the dark, on a train, and in a car. 
             … in a box, with a fox, in a house with a mouse.
             ... here and there. Anywhere! 

KumoMTA puts you in control of your own deployment.  It's about control and flexibility to meet your security compliance needs.

We want to hear your story.  Let us know where and how you have deployed KumoMTA.


KumoMTA is the first open-source MTA designed from the ground up for the world's largest commercial senders. We are fueled by Professional Services and Sponsorship revenue.

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