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Moving From Momentum

There are only a handful of email MTA engines capable of operating at the speeds KumoMTA does. One that was popular in...

Moving from PowerMTA

A while ago we published a blog on the easy conversion process to move from other MTA configs to KumoMTA. In this post,...

Lets talk about security for a minute

Email has evolved considerably in the last decade, but modernization efforts at the server level have lagged behind...

Are you ready for the coming Gmail and Yahoo compliance changes?

In October 2023, Gmail and Yahoo announced that they would start enforcing factors that should already be common...

This is not a cold call

In the past several months, we have contacted many people in the email industry for feedback and conversations about...

ARM yourself with KumoMTA

The title of this piece was the topic of much debate. There were so many gems to choose from.

Pick a distro, any distro

Way back in 1992, a friend handed me a set of floppy disks labelled “Linux Boot” and “Linux Root” and said, “You're a...

Easy config conversions

One of the Professional Services we offer at Kumo Corp is config conversion from an existing system to KumoMTA. This...

Rust, Lua, and KumoMTA

After talking to many high-volume senders, we know there is a common need to employ a tactic whereby messages are...

How we built the most performant Message Transfer Agent on the planet

Getting started When we started talking about building an MTA, there were a couple of items we knew had to be top of...