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Protect Your Shared Infrastructure With Tenant Throttles

One thing many ESPs have in common is the risk created by self-serve signups: a new user signs up for a free or even...

We should talk about KCLI

In case you missed it, the KumoMTA Spring Release is now available in GA! One of the hot items in the release list is a...

User Spotlight: Mailtinni

KumoMTA was created as a platform for others to build email services on. Our extensive documentation was written...

Where the money goes

The world is changing. There is a quiet revolution going on right under our noses. It has been building for years and...

Moving Beyond IP Reputation

NOTE: This post was originally written for Spam Resource, the initial publication can be seen at...

Setting the Record Straight

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

Using LetsEncrypt with KumoMTA

Handling email over TLS-encrypted connections has become the default, and KumoMTA supports TLS for all messages in and...

KumoMTA is More Than Just Open-Source

tl,dr: KumoMTA is not just Open-Source, it's also the best MTA on the planet for large-scale senders.

Tenant Shaping

We have had many conversations with users and prospective customers about shaping message delivery based on a...

Happy Birthday KumoMTA!

It was one year ago that KumoMTA was officially born, with Wez making the first commit to the main repo (see it here)!