Recent Articles

Defending Against SMTP Smuggling with KumoMTA

What is SMTP Smuggling? On September 18th there was a new exploit published regarding SMTP Smuggling, which you can...

Come See Us on the Future of Email Podcast

Two of our founder, Mike and Tom, recently had to opportunity to be guests on The Future of Email podcast hosted by...

Announcing the KumoMTA Fall Release

Today we are tagging our fall release, version 2023-11-28. You can Read The Changelog to get all the details, including...

Lets talk about security for a minute

Email has evolved considerably in the last decade, but modernization efforts at the server level have lagged behind...

Are you ready for the coming Gmail and Yahoo compliance changes?

In October 2023, Gmail and Yahoo announced that they would start enforcing factors that should already be common...

This is not a cold call

In the past several months, we have contacted many people in the email industry for feedback and conversations about...

Taguchi Marketing Adopts KumoMTA

We were delighted to hook up with Dean Maidment and Ben Dyer from Taguchi Marketing last month for a lively discussion...

ARM yourself with KumoMTA

The title of this piece was the topic of much debate. There were so many gems to choose from.

Better Deliverability is unlocked with Traffic Shaping Automation

Introduction One of our early design goals with KumoMTA was to ensure it was well-behaved. This means following the...

Pick a distro, any distro

Way back in 1992, a friend handed me a set of floppy disks labelled “Linux Boot” and “Linux Root” and said, “You're a...