Recent Articles

Happy Birthday KumoMTA!

It was one year ago that KumoMTA was officially born, with Wez making the first commit to the main repo (see it here)!

Community Roundtable - Analytics

Our next Community Roundtable session is coming next week on Wednesday, January 24, at noon Eastern time.

A New Release for the New Year

Today we are tagging our first release of the new year, ironically designated as version 2023-12-28. Our tags are based...

Defending Against SMTP Smuggling with KumoMTA

What is SMTP Smuggling? On September 18th there was a new exploit published regarding SMTP Smuggling, which you can...

Come See Us on the Future of Email Podcast

Two of our founder, Mike and Tom, recently had to opportunity to be guests on The Future of Email podcast hosted by...

Announcing the KumoMTA Fall Release

Today we are tagging our fall release, version 2023-11-28. You can Read The Changelog to get all the details, including...

Join Our First Community Roundtable

One of our goals when we created KumoMTA was to create a community for MailOps professionals, a group that has been...

Taguchi Marketing Adopts KumoMTA

We were delighted to hook up with Dean Maidment and Ben Dyer from Taguchi Marketing last month for a lively discussion...

Better Deliverability is unlocked with Traffic Shaping Automation

Introduction One of our early design goals with KumoMTA was to ensure it was well-behaved. This means following the...

Site Names - The Right Solution for MX Rollup

Tl;Dr: As email moved from self-hosted to mailbox providers to white-label hosting with custom domains, both...