Recent Articles

The 2025 Winter Release

We're pleased to announce the Winter 2025 release, now available through our repos and Docker container.

Inbox Processing with KumoMTA

KumoMTA is a powerful Message Transfer Agent primarily designed for high-volume outbound delivery, but in mid-December,...

KumoMTA Year In Review - 2024

We've Been Busy It's been a busy year for us here at KumoMTA. We've built three major releases, traveled the world...

KumoMTA metrics explained

One of the things that is incredibly important for any MailOps engineer is system observability. That is a big fancy...

Introducing the 2024 Fall Release

We're pleased to announce the Fall 2024 release, now available through our repos and Docker container.

Protect Your Shared Infrastructure With Tenant Throttles

One thing many ESPs have in common is the risk created by self-serve signups: a new user signs up for a free or even...

Setting the PRIORITY Flag

In the last few months, we have seen a great deal of growth in the number of people moving from other systems to...

The KumoMTA Summer Release - Greater Than the Sum of its Parts

Summer is coming to an end, and we're finishing it off with a new production release. While this particular release...

You said you want graphs?

One of the questions we have heard since the beginning of KumoMTA has been, "Where is the reporting web UI?" We almost...

We should talk about KCLI

In case you missed it, the KumoMTA Spring Release is now available in GA! One of the hot items in the release list is a...

KumoMTA Community Roundup

My favorite part about KumoMTA being Open-Source is our growing community. They not only help each other in our...

User Spotlight: Mailtinni

KumoMTA was created as a platform for others to build email services on. Our extensive documentation was written...

ARM Yourself With the KumoMTA Spring Release

We're pleased to announce that the new KumoMTA Spring Release is now available in GA!

Protect Your Deliverability With An Abuse Page

When you operate a multi tenant sending environment compliance is a major portion of your operations, and yet on...

Where the money goes

The world is changing. There is a quiet revolution going on right under our noses. It has been building for years and...

Moving Beyond IP Reputation

NOTE: This post was originally written for Spam Resource, the initial publication can be seen at...

Setting the Record Straight

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

Using LetsEncrypt with KumoMTA

Handling email over TLS-encrypted connections has become the default, and KumoMTA supports TLS for all messages in and...

KumoMTA is More Than Just Open-Source

tl,dr: KumoMTA is not just Open-Source, it's also the best MTA on the planet for large-scale senders.

Tenant Shaping

We have had many conversations with users and prospective customers about shaping message delivery based on a...

Happy Birthday KumoMTA!

It was one year ago that KumoMTA was officially born, with Wez making the first commit to the main repo (see it here)!

High Volume Email on Microsoft?

If you are a Microsoft fan and want all your tech to be Microsoft branded, you likely have felt a little disappointed...

AboutMyEmail Testing Tool

MailOps engineers have a lot on their plates. If it's not a firewall thing, its a server thing, or a DNS thing, or a...

A (really) quick KumoMTA install

As a mailops engineer, there are many times when you may want to spin up a quick install of your MTA to test a theory,...

Moving From Momentum

There are only a handful of email MTA engines capable of operating at the speeds KumoMTA does. One that was popular in...

Community Roundtable - Analytics

Our next Community Roundtable session is coming next week on Wednesday, January 24, at noon Eastern time.

Moving from PowerMTA

A while ago we published a blog on the easy conversion process to move from other MTA configs to KumoMTA. In this post,...

A New Release for the New Year

Today we are tagging our first release of the new year, ironically designated as version 2023-12-28. Our tags are based...

Defending Against SMTP Smuggling with KumoMTA

What is SMTP Smuggling? On September 18th there was a new exploit published regarding SMTP Smuggling, which you can...

Come See Us on the Future of Email Podcast

Two of our founder, Mike and Tom, recently had to opportunity to be guests on The Future of Email podcast hosted by...

Announcing the KumoMTA Fall Release

Today we are tagging our fall release, version 2023-11-28. You can Read The Changelog to get all the details, including...

Lets talk about security for a minute

Email has evolved considerably in the last decade, but modernization efforts at the server level have lagged behind...

Are you ready for the coming Gmail and Yahoo compliance changes?

In October 2023, Gmail and Yahoo announced that they would start enforcing factors that should already be common...

Join Our First Community Roundtable

One of our goals when we created KumoMTA was to create a community for MailOps professionals, a group that has been...

This is not a cold call

In the past several months, we have contacted many people in the email industry for feedback and conversations about...

Taguchi Marketing Adopts KumoMTA

We were delighted to hook up with Dean Maidment and Ben Dyer from Taguchi Marketing last month for a lively discussion...

ARM yourself with KumoMTA

The title of this piece was the topic of much debate. There were so many gems to choose from.

Better Deliverability is unlocked with Traffic Shaping Automation

Introduction One of our early design goals with KumoMTA was to ensure it was well-behaved. This means following the...

Pick a distro, any distro

Way back in 1992, a friend handed me a set of floppy disks labelled “Linux Boot” and “Linux Root” and said, “You're a...

Easy config conversions

One of the Professional Services we offer at Kumo Corp is config conversion from an existing system to KumoMTA. This...

Rust, Lua, and KumoMTA

After talking to many high-volume senders, we know there is a common need to employ a tactic whereby messages are...

How we built the most performant Message Transfer Agent on the planet

Getting started When we started talking about building an MTA, there were a couple of items we knew had to be top of...

Site Names - The Right Solution for MX Rollup

Tl;Dr: As email moved from self-hosted to mailbox providers to white-label hosting with custom domains, both...

Getting your Kumo On

Um, what? What exactly is a Kumo, and why would you want one?

Announcing General Availability of KumoMTA (and First Production Deployment)

Introduction Today we're pleased to announce that KumoMTA is out of beta a full two months early!!

Native Tenant Awareness - No More Ambiguity

Over the years the MTA landscape has grown more sophisticated. In the beginning, Open-Source MTAs like Postfix and...

Open-Source MTAs - Now the Right Choice for Large-Scale Senders

Introduction I was recently watching a live stream of the excellent Deliverability Summit conference in Prague and was...

Understanding Message Transfer Agents (MTAs): The Backbone of Email Communication

Introduction In today's digital age, email has become an integral part of our personal and professional lives. We rely...

Announcing KumoMTA Beta 2

Today's another major milestone in the evolution of KumoMTA with our release of Beta 2!